Friday, October 9, 2020

FIVE FALL FAVORITES Blog Hop Day 5: Instructional Nonfiction!



Click HERE to keep up with the blog hop!

Today's category is INSTRUCTIONAL NONFICTION!  Since this is a blog about books and writing, it's only fitting that all of my selections are books about writing!  Plus, today I'm the Official Book Room for the blog hop, so keep reading for a fun freebie offered by author Sarah Holman!  And since we're in the book room today...obviously, it's a ginormous library like in Beauty and the Beast.  So take a seat or climb the ladder to check out the rows and rows of books surrounding us!  
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I don't really get into a lot of books about writing, and I never bothered to plot my books out before, but I heard so much about Save the Cat! Writes a Novel that I had to check it out.  I read it cover-to-cover in a single day, so that should tell you all you need to know about how interesting and compelling this book is! It converted a very bullheaded Pantser into being a careful Planner (with room to maybe a Plantser...).  This book also dissects popular novels to show how the plot devices they highlight work in bestsellers.  It's sooo helpful.  I definitely recommend giving it a read, even if you don't like to plot your novels either.  
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If I didn't have this book, I would be on the floor in a corner weeping right about now.  It's been absolutely integral in my launch planning for The Lady of Lanaria, and I bring it out every single time I get ready to plan a n y t h i n g.  This book absolutely changed my perspective on marketing and all the less-than-fun stuff that goes into being a successful author or blogger.  While most books or blogs about marketing just say "You have to do this, this, and THIS or you'll be terrible," without explaining much of anything, Raquel explains other alternatives to her preferred methods, why they did or didn't work for her, and she also provides real-world examples to back herself up.  It's arguably one of my favorite books.  (Which might be a little weird, but hey.  I'm a business-owner and author who hates marketing.)

Check out my review HERE.

Grow Your Author Platform by Mandi Lynn and Bethany Atazadeh

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This is another great resource, especially for new authors or those who are struggling to build their platform.  Since this was co-written by two indie authors, you get a lot of interesting perspectives on marketing and a ton of great ideas.  I use it alongside Raquel's book oftentimes as well, and it's interesting to compare their strategies to think up marketing strategies that will work for me.  

A Novel Idea by Jerry B. Jenkins, Karen Kingsbury, Francine Rivers, et. al. 

If you're just getting into the writing world, this book is a really great resource - especially if you plan on being published traditionally.  It offers advice from some of the biggest names in Christian publishing today, and it covers a ton of topics from the first inkling of an idea of a book, the whole way through different ways you can market your book to agents and publishers at conventions or online (which, in 2020, is probably your best bet...)

It's a nice thick book that's pretty much all-encompassing, and it offers a lot of unique perspectives regarding the writing process, so it's a wonderful resource.  

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This is a book that I kept from my college days (pfft...I say that like it was ages ago) and it was one of the best books I read about poetry.  I enjoy poetry until I have to write it myself, so this one was really helpful, and I really enjoyed reading it.  It describes a lot of poetry tools in layman's terms, and it's a great little book for beginner poets.  This is the book that made me not despise writing there you have it!  (Plus it makes me feel like Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor from Home Improvement when I read it.)  

It's fitting that today's theme is "books," since all of those books talk about writing or selling books!  Whew.  I hope that if you're a writer, aspiring or otherwise, that you'll find some new favorites in that list.  

Also, today is my turn to share about a free book offered by one of the great hosts for the Five Fall Favorites hop!  This one is Waltz Into The Waves by Sarah Holman.  

You can download this Cinderella story for FREE today!  Make sure you do so -- I know I will!  Here's some more info about the book as well as the author, Sarah Holman, below.  


Sarah Holman lives in central Texas with her amazing family. When not working on her next novel, she can usually be found hanging out with her siblings, reading, or taking long walks. If there is anything adventuresome about her life, it's because she serves a God with a destiny bigger than anything she could have imagined. You can find out more about her at her website

Amelia has always lived in a manor by the sea with her father, and looks forward every summer to a visit from Alex. However, her perfect life is dashed one summer when tragedy strikes. Will her life ever be happy again?

A 7,000 word short story of faith, love, and happily ever after.

Today and tomorrow are the last days of the Five Fall Favorites blog hop -- don't forget to enter the giveaway!  Lots of fun goodies! Enter HERE


  1. Great resources! Thank you, Michaela!

  2. The 10 Commandments of Author Branding is on my list too!

  3. "A Novel Idea" looks like a must-read!

  4. Oh the poetry "Home Repair Manual" sounds great! I have been wanted a good book about writing poetry.

  5. I've seen "Save the Cat" but I haven't read it yet... I hope to now!

    1. It turned me into a plotter, so I can attest to its effectiveness :P

  6. I should check out "The 10 Commandments of Author Branding." Thanks for sharing about it.

  7. *squeals* THE BOOK ROOM!! :D

    I write fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, so all of these books look really helpful! I'll have to check them out!
