Wednesday, May 19, 2021

BLOGGER UPDATE: Important Info!

 Hey everyone!  Thanks to Google *eye roll* removing the "follow by email" option for blogs, if you follow this blog via email, starting in July, you will no longer receive email updates for new blog posts and whatnot.  I've scrambled to find a solution, and the best one I have right now is to start a mailing list, which will be used exclusively to send blog updates.  You will get emails with the same amount of frequency, but just from a mailing list instead of Google's automated system.  If that sounds great, great!  I've imported all of my current subscribers, so starting in July, you'll be receiving new posts through that instead.  (How will I offer the ability to follow for new readers? Your guess is as good as mine, and if you have any ideas, I'll gladly take 'em!) 

For now, if you're interested in being ADDED or REMOVED from the blog update list, please fill out this form HERE!  Thanks so much!


  1. Great idea!!! I’d add a thing on the side to “subscribe to my email list” and have a form where they can sign up… or you could get MailChimp or something XD

    1. Thanks for the ideas!! I'm looking into MailerLite for the emails, but I'm still salty toward Google lol.
