Monday, July 18, 2016

Writing A Novel: Meet the Cast

Hey, all!  This is the next installment after  Plotting It Out .  Today, we're going to talk about how to figure out your characters and how many you  need in a book. So--how many characters do you need?  More than you may think! Take a look at some of the well-known books: Harry Potter, The Maz…

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Writing a Novel: Plotting It Out

Hey everyone!  This is the next installment that goes with Writing a Novel: Finding Your Topic .  Please click that title in order to find the previous post. So you've got your topic figured out and you're very passionate about it.  Awesome - you can't wait until you can start writing i…

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Introducing My First Book!

Hello! On top of everything else that was going on this weekend (I won't go into detail because that would take all day), I managed to get my first book published for the universe to see (or, at least those within the range). Introducing: "Welcome Home", book one of the Fai…

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th of July!

Hello, all! I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Independence Day!  I'll be posting another how-to for writing again soon, I hope.  I also plan on putting up an update (or, rather, the first post about it, I guess) the book I'm on a fast-track-train-wreck-course headed for self-publishi…