Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Wow, Wow, Wow!

Wow, Wow, Wow!
Hey everyone! Just a quick post today with some updates regarding the sales over the weekend! My original goal for the free Kindle downloads: 50 for the whole weekend/Monday.  That was completely blown out of the water and doubled in the first day of the sale.  From there, I thought it would be coo…

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Blog Tour: HUGE Black Friday Sale - 150+ Books!

Blog Tour: HUGE Black Friday Sale - 150+ Books!
GUYS.   I'm super excited about this: Victoria Lynn and Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick partnered to host a Black Friday sale by authors for readers.  There are over 150 titles available and ALL of the e-books  are either $0.99 or free .  There is also a list of paperback books that are on sale at pr…

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Sales On The Horizon....

Sales On The Horizon....
Hey everyone!  'Tis the season for good deals and chilly afternoons perfect for reading.  I'm posting a couple of days early so everyone gets a chance to check out the sales beforehand!  I've made some spiffy graphics (okay, about 6 different sets for each social media platform because …

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Week In Review: The News Says It All

I wrote up and sent out the monthly newsletter a little earlier than usual this time around, and when I sat down to write up this week's blog post, I realized that everything was already in the newsletter!  In a much nicer format, too.  So click HERE to check it out!  Tons of exciting stuff.  N…

Monday, November 12, 2018

Cover Reveal: "Seek" by Angela R. Watts!

Cover Reveal: "Seek" by Angela R. Watts!
Hey everyone!  I have a super-special post today.  Angela R. Watts' newest book, Seek , is going to be released in December -- and of course, you have to have a cover before you publish a book.  Today is the official cover reveal for this novel!  I'm going to get out of the way and let you …

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Week In Review: Cold, Cold, Cold, Cold...!

Week In Review: Cold, Cold, Cold, Cold...!
Hey everyone!  Been super busy lately-- training for work, school stuff, other commitments -- and more things kicking in next week!  I didn't post last Saturday  because I was helping my mother at a craft show.  And kind of hoping that some of the Christmas stuff wouldn't sell because it…

Thursday, November 1, 2018

SpireGirl 2018 Blog Tour: Book Review!

SpireGirl 2018 Blog Tour: Book Review!
Hello!  As I mentioned in Tuesday's post, I'm participating in the SpireGirl 2018 blog tour, and this is the second post; a book review!  Make sure you check out Writings From A God Girl if you enjoyed any of the posts from this week.  When We Were Young by Karen Kingsbury