Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Road to "My Compass Home" : In the Details

One of the hardest things for me as a writer? Picking and choosing details. I am a very detail-oriented person and love describing things with flair and uniqueness...however, oftentimes readers just want to get to the point or maybe don't even understand what I'm getting at.  This is the st…

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Week In Review: Promos, Procrastination, and Plays

Week In Review: Promos, Procrastination, and Plays
Hey everyone! First and foremost, I hope you all have a great - and safe - Memorial Day weekend! Also...frantically, on Wednesday, I remembered the deals I wanted to offer over the holiday weekend.  Cue me racing to my computer, hoping KDP would allow me to launch promotions within such a short tim…

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Road to "My Compass Home": Timing is Everything

The Road to "My Compass Home": Timing is Everything
I am excited to announce that as of 12:40 AM this morning (or last night, depending on how you look at it), I am halfway through typing the second draft of My Compass Home.  I intend to publish it the first week of July during the two-year anniversary of Welcome Home' s publication, but we'l…

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Week In Review: Finales, Come They Will

Week In Review: Finales, Come They Will
The first week free from college.... Only for a few more weeks until one of my summer classes starts up. When my advisor told me I should take summer classes to fulfill the last two requirements for my psychology minor, I was all for it.  Relieved, even, that I could do so online.  But now that it&…

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Road to "My Compass Home": Archetypal Casting

When you're writing anything, it's important to know your characters to a certain extent.  In addition to that, knowing how your characters work together may very well save your work!  While writing the Faith, Hope, and Love collection books, I knew that the supporting cast would be almost …

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Week in Review: May I Be Brief?

Week in Review: May I Be Brief?
Just a quick post today, sorry guys...I'm  rather burnt out from this week as a whole....and I didn't  die this week, so that's a plus.  I'm officially done with my junior  year of college. Although  I have two courses to work on this summer, it's  nice to  have a little  bit of…

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Call For Betas!

Call For Betas!
Hey everyone!  Instead of a post this week about  My Compass Home  (which I'm too busy to write because of finals) I'm asking for your help.  I  am currently in the process of writing a novel to submit to Hallmark Publishing, Love-Inspired, and maybe a couple of other publishing houses.  Th…

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Week In Review: A Day Late & A Dollar Short

Week In Review: A Day Late & A Dollar Short
My apologies for not posting this yesterday, as is my routine.  I had a plethora of coursework to do, and despite having taken out a chunk of that, I'm still slavin' away today with it.  But I didn't want to leave this go any longer than necessary, so without further ado: As of today, i…

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Road to "My Compass Home": Finding Home Base

Every story needs a setting, obviously.  It needs a tangible world that the reader can comprehend and see in their mind's eye -- otherwise, the characters are just existing...somewhere.  This can also make or break a story, especially depending on your genre.  No pressure, right? When I began wr…