Monday, February 26, 2018

Free Kindle Book Alert!

Hey everyone!  If you haven't read "Everything I Never Said" yet, make sure to snag a *free* Kindle copy from today until Thursday, March 1st!  Make sure to leave a review if you enjoyed it!  Click HERE to check it out!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Resource: "Successful Self-Publishing" by Joanna Penn

Today is a quick post, but I wanted to share a great resource I recently discovered: "Successful Self-Publishing" by Joanna Penn, an indie author who has written several books to aid beginner indie authors and is a fiction author as well.   HERE  is the link for her book. It is fantastic fo…

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Romance to Make Your Readers Swoon

Happy Valentine's day, all!  In the spirit of the holiday, today we're going to explore some great resources and tips for writing a good romance.  Whether it's a sci-fi, crime drama, or plain romance novel, many books have a romantic relationship of some sort (whether it's the main …

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Touching an Audience

Touching an Audience
It's what every writer aspires to do at least once in their life: touch their audience's lives in a way that makes their work unforgettable, to make the audience reconsider their outlook on life or make them want to call up that old family member or friend just to say 'sorry.'  And,…

Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Seconds Count

Hey, everyone!  I know it's been an incredibly long time since I last posted, but college got in the way.  Yuck .  Anyway, I have plans for being a lot more active on the blog this year; not a resolution per se but a plan.  For the first post this year, we'll be talking about laying the foun…