Saturday, July 28, 2018

Week In Review: "Mamma Mia, here we go again!"

Week In Review: "Mamma Mia, here we go again!"
I heard Mamma Mia on the radio today and the lyrics in the title seemed fitting for this week, even though I wanted to scream when I heard the song because I abhor the movie... (the first one, I haven't seen the sequel.) Why the whole "here we go again" thing?  Well, it's practica…

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Something New: Values

In the second installment of the Mount Sterling series, the titular college finds itself in need of a new president after the current one passed away unexpectedly.  The president, Dr. Overdorf, is bound and determined to take the once-Christian college and squelch the religious undertone in the nam…

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Week In Review: ...It's Only Been A Week?!

Week In Review: ...It's Only Been A Week?!
Hey everyone!  I know it's only been a week, but it feels like at least three have gone by.  So since last week, I've Gotten my first flat tire  (which was never a milestone I wanted to reach) Completed 40 (yes, FORTY) tasks for one week's worth of learning in my "happiness" cla…

Book Spotlight: "He's Making Diamonds" by S. G. Willoughby!

Book Spotlight: "He's Making Diamonds" by S. G. Willoughby!
I recently received an ARC copy of He's Making Diamonds, a wonderful and inspirational book written by S.G. Willoughby.  This book details her journey through illness as a teen and how God remains with us even in the most awful circumstances.  You can see my full Goodreads review HERE .  This …

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Something New: A Fresh Chapter

Something New: A Fresh Chapter
In the first book of the Mount Sterling Collection,  Beautiful Chaos, the main characters deal with what seem to be a myriad of unrealistic problems.  While I won't go into specifics -- I don't want to spoil my own book for you guys in case you haven't read it yet! -- I think it exemplif…

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Week In Review: WHAT Happiness Hypothesis?!

Week In Review: WHAT Happiness Hypothesis?!
Hey everyone! Well, this week was a series of very, very weird events that actually weren't too bad. Except for my psychology class on happiness. That's very, very bad....but more on that later. Currently Reading: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins; An Orphan's Wish by Me…

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Something New: A Playlist

Something New: A Playlist
Shoot!  It's Wednesday, isn't it?  I completely forgot to write a blog post, even though I thought about it all week.  Whoops.... Anyway, I'm working hard on Something New for Camp NaNoWriMo, and it's at about 39,000 words right now (although I haven't begun working on it today…

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Week In Review: The More You Know

Week In Review: The More You Know
How was everyone's Independence Day?  This week I began participating in four hashtag games on Twitter pertaining to Something New, so if anyone wants to check my responses out, my account is linked on the "Social Media" tab!  (And if you follow me and are tired of the hashtag games, …

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Author Interview & Book Spotlight: Angela R. Watts & "The Thief, The Damsel, And The Dragon"!

Author Interview & Book Spotlight: Angela R. Watts & "The Thief, The Damsel, And The Dragon"!
Update: purchase The Thief, The Damsel, And the Dragon HERE ! We have a special post today in honor of The Thief, The Damsel, And The Dragon by Angela R. Watts.  It's coming out this week, and I'll update the post for you guys as soon as the Amazon link is up because you really need to chec…