Thursday, April 25, 2019

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Faith Alone by Ruth Meyer!!

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Faith Alone by Ruth Meyer!!
Hey everyone!  I have another great book spotlight for you guys this week, this time for Ruth Meyer's  Faith Alone !  This book sounds like a fantastic, timely novel, and I can't wait to snag a copy. BLURB Grace Neunaber has finally found happiness. After struggling for years as a single mot…

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: This Cursed Flame by Selina Eckert

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: This Cursed Flame by Selina Eckert
Hey everyone!  Today we have part two of my posts for Selina Eckert's This Cursed Flame blog tour!  Make sure to check out her blog post HERE for the tour schedule! First off, take a look at this cover!  Doesn't it look awesome?  Read on for the even-more-awesome blurb! BLURB Sometimes we p…

Monday, April 22, 2019

AUTHOR INTERVIEW with Selina Eckert!

AUTHOR INTERVIEW with Selina Eckert!
Hey everyone - I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Sunday!  Today's post is for a blog tour: an author interview with Selina Eckert, the author of the upcoming release This Cursed Flame .  Make sure to check out her blog post HERE for the blog tour's schedule, and stay tuned right here fo…