Saturday, April 28, 2018

Week In Review: April Showers Are Actually Marvel Fan-Tears

Week In Review: April Showers Are Actually Marvel Fan-Tears
Next week is the final week of classes before finals officially begin. I need to get a move-on with a story idea I intend to send to publishing houses this summer. And... I just watched Avengers: Infinity War yesterday. The culmination of 10 years' worth of movies. I won't say anythi…

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Road to "My Compass Home" : 1 Corinthians 13

The Road to "My Compass Home" : 1 Corinthians 13
As you already know, the Faith, Hope, and Love collection is inspired by the Bible chapter 1 Corinthians 13, also known as the "love chapter."  I attempted to  mirror and incorporate the ideals of this chapter in Welcome Home , and My Compass Home will be no different.  Here are some theme…

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

"A Town Nativity" Available Now!

"A Town Nativity" Available Now!
Click HERE to purchase!  My Christmas play, "A Town Nativity," is now available to purchase via Amazon for only $4.99!  Much less than the royalties you'll pay from a publishing house for scripts!  I wrote this play in 2016 for my church's youth group and we pulled it off without …

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Week In Review: Busy as a Bee On a Sugar High

Week In Review: Busy as a Bee On a Sugar High
Oh, these?  They're how I'm reacting to my schedule for the next few weeks, that's all. I have a final in Spanish due two weeks before the end of the class, which means I will have three weeks of finals.  Now, that might seem like a good deal because they're spread out, but lemme t…

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Road to "My Compass Home" : Meet Ellie

The Road to "My Compass Home" : Meet Ellie
First off, I want to say something:  what?!  Seventy-five views on my last post and counting?  What happened?!  Either way, thank you so much, guys!  That's awesome.  I'm so pumped.  Anyway--on to the post! Finding the perfect lady for Levi proved to be a little difficult. He has such a s…

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Week In Review: From Zero to Sixty

Week In Review: From Zero to Sixty
I wish I would have thought about taking a picture of my class to-do list this week before I started crossing things off, because it totally filled an entire copy page...with small handwriting. But the important thing is that it's done with.  Mostly. For another week.  Anyway. Currently readi…

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Road to "My Compass Home": The Playlist

Every time I write a book, I compile a playlist that, for one reason or another, inspires me or puts me in the specific mood needed for scenes in whichever book I'm working on.  I'll share the playlist for My Compass Home with you today, in no specific order: Times - Tenth Avenue North Braver…

Monday, April 9, 2018

Walt's Wonderings, Part 2

January 30th  My parents are back from London!  If I didn't know better, I'd think Mom adopted a bit of a British accent.  Either that, or she's just trying to be lighthearted and stand apart from the Kentucky accent everyone has.  Regardless, my father's home and seems to be doing o…

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Week In Review: April Showers and Student Tears

Week In Review: April Showers and Student Tears
Ah, April in college...thou art heartless.  I don't quite understand why professors don't collaborate to stagger the exam schedule, but that's fine.  I'll just be over here...rocking in a corner muttering nonsensically.  This is the thing that keeps me somewhat sane during college a…

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Road to "My Compass Home": Meet Levi

The Road to "My Compass Home": Meet Levi
Originally, I considered ditching the idea of writing more books for the "Faith, Hope, and Love" collection if they weren't about Spencer and Lucy.  However, those who have read Welcome Home said they really wanted to learn more about Morgan and Levi.  With some plot work, I've de…

Monday, April 2, 2018

Jo's Journey, Part 2

January 29th Well, today my linguistics mastery caught up with me.  Ended up speaking an entire paragraph in German to one of my Chinese transfer students at the college.  They were as confused as I was.  I  blame it on the headache.  Thankfully, she took it well...but I think she has this idea tha…