Tuesday, October 30, 2018

SpireGirl 2018 Blog Tour: Spotlight!

Hey everyone!  I'm excited to be participating in the SpireGirl 2018 tour both today and Thursday!  Click HERE for the full tour schedule so you can catch up on posts and look forward to the upcoming features.  While you're there, make sure to check out Medomfo's blog!  She has some awe…

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Week In Review: October Farewell

How was everyone's week?  I've been busy working on graphics and some other fun plans for the rest of the year.  If you want to check into social media tomorrow, I have some exciting news for you guys, especially indie authors, and then on Tuesday and Thursday I'll have some special pos…

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Blog Tour: Review of "Beyond Her Calling" by Kellyn Roth!

Blog Tour: Review of "Beyond Her Calling" by Kellyn Roth!
Hey everyone! Instead of the boring "writing tips" post that I had planned for you guys this week, I am excited to be reviewing Kellyn Roth's new release, Beyond Her Calling, as part of the her blog tour. This was a beautiful book and I loved pretty much every part of it. Let's…

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Week In Review: Head Above Water

Week In Review: Head Above Water
Hi, all! How has your week been? I just finished Everything And Nothing ahead of schedule, so on Monday I'll be emailing PDF copies to everyone who signs up for my monthly newsletter !  It's all free, so why not check it out? My week has been the new-ordinary-too-busy- help  variety.  I jus…

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Week In Review: Where's the Pause Button?

Week In Review: Where's the Pause Button?
Hey everyone! This week's been...a bundle of craziness, but that isn't even unusual at this rate.    The good part is that I'm in the homestretch of Everything And Nothing , which means that...I have a ton of stuff to finish.  Book cover, formatting, and so forth.  Friday, I  took a look…

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Everything And Nothing: Flash Fic

I have a fun cold right now and hardly slept last night as a result, so this blog post is going to be as short as its topic. Flash fiction is a fun and growing trend--the act of writing stories that are less than 1,000 words in length.  They might even be considered the haiku of prose because of th…

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Week In Review: Just A Quick Update

Hey everyone!  Just a quick post tonight -- busy weekend. Current Projects: I got several pieces written for Everything And Nothing so that's a plus! Currently Reading: Overcomer by David Jeremiah. Great read so far! Current Bible Verse: "Take delight in the Lord, and He will giv…

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Everything And Nothing: Small But Mighty

Hey everyone!  I've dubbed October the month for short stories and poetry, since I'm on the last leg of getting Everything And Nothing out there for you all.  Today, we're touching on short stories and why you might want to try your hand at writing them. I was introduced to short storie…