Thursday, August 24, 2017

"Strong Feminist" versus "Strong Feminine" Archetypes

You've probably heard a lot of buzz about "strong female roles" in the media--books, movies, etc.  Many groups want to see a woman who can bash bad guys' heads in and then polish their manicured nails straight afterward.  However, the first time a female character bashes a bad guy…

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Welcoming "Everything I Never Said"

Welcoming "Everything I Never Said"
Hey everyone! While I was trying to ignore my classes being a diligent student, I also published a book of short stories and poetry back in March.  It's titled Everything I Never Said  (misleading, I know.  Definitely not everything I haven't said thus far in my life.  When will I publish Ev…

Monday, May 22, 2017

I'm Back & A Great Resource For Writers: Indie Hoot

I'm Back & A Great Resource For Writers: Indie Hoot
Hey everyone! (Credit: NBC "Chuck") Yeah, yeah, I know.  It's been since November (oops).  Grade point averages don't improve themselves, though, and my classes over the spring semester were insane.  Kind of like having quintuplets that are all very needy.  Anyway--you don't …