Monday, December 31, 2018

See Ya, 2018 / Hello, 2019!

See Ya, 2018 / Hello, 2019!
Sooo 2018 was insanely busy from start to finish.  I'm incredibly thankful for my family and all of you guys for the support and for keeping up with the madness!  Things I did this year: Published 2 novels and a short poetry book Hosted my first giveaway Was involved in several AWESOME blog tours,…

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Week In Review + G I V E A W A Y !

Week In Review + G I V E A W A Y !
Hey everyone! I'm baaack -- I hope!  With school on hiatus and the yearly Christmas play finished, I'm ready to annoy y'all again.  But I have some fun announcements to compensate for that, so continue on, dear readers! The play went surprisingly well this year, although it was one that…

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Music Review: "Deep" by Chaylyn!

Music Review: "Deep" by Chaylyn!
Hey everyone!  Today I have a special post reviewing Chaylyn's debut EP, "Deep"!  This is a great trio of songs and after listening to them, I can't wait to hear more songs by this artist in the future!  The EP was released this September and has three songs: "Deep," &qu…

Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, guys!  Hoping you all have a safe and blessed Christmas.  Remember that, amongst all the plans and dinners and parties (and last-minute shopping), that Jesus is the reason why we celebrate Christmas.  What better gift to give the Savior than some of your time and all of your heart…

Friday, December 21, 2018

Review: Kind by Kellyn Roth!

Review: Kind by Kellyn Roth!
Hey everyone!  Today I have a review of Kellyn Roth's new Christmas short story.  It's coming out tomorrow -- Dec. 22 -- so make sure to head on over to Amazon and snag a copy!  ABOUT KIND I absolutely loved this short story.  It was very compelling -- I am very interested in the WWII era (a…

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

1K Story Challenge: Burdens

Hey everyone!  This is a short story I've written for Kellyn Roth's 1K Contest.  If you want to enter, check out the details and deadline HERE.  And congratulations for hitting 1K followers, Kellyn!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Burdens (c) 2018 by Michaela Bush "Mind if I sit?" Ke…

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Week In Review: Still Alive (Somewhat)

Week In Review: Still Alive (Somewhat)
My dudes, having five headaches -- three of which being migraines -- in a week and a half during finals is  NOT.  FUN.   I do not recommend trying it at home.  Or anywhere.   But I managed to get everything taken care of, and surprisingly, I didn't fail any of them.   At least, not yet.   I mean, t…

Monday, December 10, 2018

Blog Tour: Review of "Silent Days, Holy Night" by Phyllis Clark Nichols + Giveaway!

Blog Tour: Review of "Silent Days, Holy Night" by Phyllis Clark Nichols + Giveaway!
Let's all get in the mood for Christmas with this blog tour and giveaway for Silent Days, Holy Night by Phyllis Clark Nichols, hosted by JustRead Tours . ABOUT THE BOOK Title: Silent Days, Holy Night Author: Phyllis Clark Nichols Publisher: Gilead Publishing Release Date: October 30, 2018 Genre:

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Blog Tour: "Seek" by Angela R. Watts Author Interview + Book Spotlight!

Blog Tour: "Seek" by Angela R. Watts Author Interview + Book Spotlight!
Hey everyone!  I'm so excited to be sharing this post with you guys!  Seek by Angela R. Watts is officially published, and I had the opportunity to interview the authoress herself!  Once you're done reading the interview, you'll want to scroll down and check out the book spotlight as w…