Saturday, March 30, 2019

NEW RELEASE: Healer's Bane by Hope Ann!

NEW RELEASE: Healer's Bane by Hope Ann!
Another awesome book by author Hope Ann -and- it's available in paperback too: Healer's Bane !  It's already the #1 new release for Christian Fantasy on Amazon, so if that isn't a sign to go check it out, I don't know what is!  BLURB Kynet never planned to be at the forefront of t…

Thursday, March 28, 2019

COVER REVEAL: The Torch Keepers by Hosanna Emily!

COVER REVEAL: The Torch Keepers by Hosanna Emily!
Hey everyone!  I have a super-awesome blog post for you today as part of the cover reveal for Hosanna Emily's upcoming book, The Torch Keepers !  With a title like that, you know it's going to be epic.  Without further ado, here's what you need to know: SYNOPSIS The King's blue flame…

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Guide Me Home: A Playlist

Guide Me Home: A Playlist
Hey everyone!  Just a quick post today.  As always, I want to share my playlist for Guide Me Home, since the music itself often motivates me to recall what I want to write/what moods, themes, etc.   Without further ado...some good tunes!  (And links to said tunes on YouTube) 1.  If It's Amazin…

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Character Questionnaire by H.S. Kylian!

Character Questionnaire by H.S. Kylian!
Hey everyone!  I was tagged by H.S. Kylian of The Writerly Worm to answer this character questionnaire tag that she's started!  Make sure to check her post HERE if you'd like to join!  I'm going to use the characters from my Faith, Hope, and Love collection to answer, since I'm work…

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

UPCOMING NEWSLETTER: April NaNo Tips & Resources!

UPCOMING NEWSLETTER: April NaNo Tips & Resources!
Are you planning on participating in NaNo April?  If you are, or know someone who will be, you might want to sign up for my newsletter HERE .  On Monday, I'll be sending out a bunch of tips for optimizing your NaNo experience - both for yourself and for your book.  In the meantime, however, her…

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The 20 Questions Book Tag!

The 20 Questions Book Tag!
Thanks so much to H.S. Kylian of The Writerly Worm for tagging me! Q1: How many books is too many in a series? I think that it really depends on the series itself and the pace of the plot.  I've read series of 24 books and I've read trilogies, so personally, it just depends on how well the …