(Credit: NBC "Chuck")
Yeah, yeah, I know. It's been since November (oops). Grade point averages don't improve themselves, though, and my classes over the spring semester were insane. Kind of like having quintuplets that are all very needy. Anyway--you don't want to hear about my plights as a college student, right? Well, I'm back and I have a lot of posts that I plan to share with you, including but not limited to:
- A post introducing the book I managed to self-publish during the spring semester
- How to write on a schedule (I'm one to talk, I know...)
- How to write the second book in a series
- Lists of publishers, magazines, and journals that accept open submissions
There will be plenty of time to go over these posts once I've, well...written them. Most importantly, though, I want to give a shout-out to a friend of mine who started his own podcast vlog earlier this year. He's a very talented young writer, and has been interviewing successful writers for tips on writing and marketing. His website can be found HERE, and it's called Indie Hoot. His podcast fills a need for indie artists out there because it covers the marketing aspect as well. A lot of websites, blogs, and vlogs (like my blog--whoops!) avoid talking about marketing your work because it's so complicated and, honestly, scary. However, Indie Hoot's got you covered with great Q&As and tips from authors, artists, and entrepreneurs who have been there, done that --successfully. We can all learn more about successful sales, right? No harm in that. I've learned a ton from his podcasts thus far, and really hope you check it out as well!
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