Saturday, May 12, 2018

Week in Review: May I Be Brief?

Just a quick post today, sorry guys...I'm  rather burnt out from this week as a whole....and I didn't  die this week, so that's a plus.  I'm officially done with my junior  year of college.
Credit: NBC Chuck//Gifer

Although  I have two courses to work on this summer, it's  nice to  have a little  bit of time off anyway.  

Current Projects: the 150th anniversary play for my church...again.  Only about  3 1/2 weeks until  showtime and no I'm  not freaking out  over that at ALL...

Currently  reading: same as last week.  I have a huge reading  list for summer, but who knows if I'll get to it...

Current Bible verse: All of Psalm 23, which we've  been studying in youth group:
Credit: Amazon 

I'm also hoping to get my final draft of My Compass Home finished this month before proofreading and getting  it out there for the world! About time, too, since the first installment of the series was published nearly  two years ago....which is hard to believe!

What are your plans for the summer?


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