Monday, October 28, 2019

SPOTLIGHT: More Than A Second Chance by Lisa Renée!

Finished Blog Tour Banner Lisa Renee

Hey everyone!  Today's post is featuring the new Christian novel More Than A Second Chance by Lisa Renée!  It sounds absolutely fantastic, so you'll want to check it out -- and maybe even enter the giveaway below!  But first...the book itself!
Cassie Chambers, a dedicated youth worker, is determined to rescue the troubled youth in the city of Perth, Australia. Cassie has made mistakes but hasn't allowed tragedy or divorce to stop her. She devotes every working hour at Youth Connect. But her own needs ar e neglected. Chef Chris Evanson offers work experience to young men from Youth Connect. Cassie and Chris's encounters become more than sassy bantering with a hint of attraction. Chris is a sincere romantic. How will Chris respond when he finds out her se cret? She must tell him before he falls in love. Will he believe she deserves more than a second chance? To complicate matters, one of Youth Connect's troubled teens needs rescuing. She's pregnant and moves in with Cassie, bringing absolute chaos. Chris g ains insight into what life with Cassie involves. Does he still want the total package? Is he Cassie's true soul mate?

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Lisa Renée is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Omega Writers, Australia. With an Australian theme, she wrote the Single Again series featuring More Than a Second Chance and Acres of Promise, to encourage women to heal past wounds and to dare trust again. Lisa adores babies enough to have seven of her own. Recently, Lisa has taken up breeding Ragdoll cats instead of breeding humans. The tribe lives in Australia, where Lisa and her husband enjoy their writing projects, public speaking, and are on the pastoral team at their church
Copy of Once
near the basket, Cassie stepped to the side, pivoted, jumped, and threw the ball high.Chris
grabbed her waist as she came back down. He held
her in mid
air as she called out, “Itwent in!”

One person will win an eBook copy of More Than A Second Chance by Lisa Renée.

Copy of Copy
of Once near the basket, Cassie stepped to the side, pivoted, jumped, and threw the ball
high.Chris grabbed her waist as she came back down. He held her in mid
air as she called out,
“Itwent in!” (1)

Anyone else looking forward to reading More Than A Second Chance?  I know I am!


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