Thursday, March 26, 2020

NOW WE HAVE TIME TO READ: Kindle eBook sale!

Hey everyone!  So...lots of crazy stuff going on in the world right now.  The whole world.  That's what's so astounding - this virus is so widespread.  So while people all around the globe are pausing, it's a good time to take your mind off the present and read some good books.  I've been seeing some people requesting book recommendations for "nice soft stories" and that's basically what I write.  Yay! 

(Meanwhile, I've been debating whether or not I should reread The Hunger Games and scare myself by drawing similarities to our government.  Don't be like me.)

Anyway, on Monday (or was it Sunday?) when I scheduled this sale, a part of me was really hoping that all of this would blow over by now.  I know a lot of people who are legitimately fearful in this time, and not the kind of fearful that goes out and buys all the toilet paper in the universe.  I'd be lying if I said I had no concerns.  But we're still in the midst of the most chaotic "global pause" I've ever heard of.  And a fine distraction is to read. 

So all of my books are currently free for Kindle from Thursday through Saturday (the 26th-28th, if you still know what day it is.  I don't, but I guess Amazon does.) Please click HERE to check out my books!

Stay safe, read lots of books, leave a review or two if you can, and please pray for those who are most at risk for this virus and the essential workers who are risking infection daily.  If you have a prayer request, please feel free to DM me on my Instagram. 


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