Wednesday, April 28, 2021


 Hey everyone!  Today I have the opportunity of sharing my review of For Better and Worse by E. B. Roshan!  It's the fourth book in the Shards of Sevia series which was just released earlier this month, but it can be read as a standalone as well, which is what I did.  It's a clean dystopian romantic suspense novel.   Before I get into the review, here's some info on the book and its author!


Boris and Anna's first baby is due any day, but the thought of raising a child in the war-torn city of Dor fills Anna with dread. Because Boris is so focused on keeping his struggling business afloat, he brushes her fears aside.

When White Horse gangsters attack his illegal employee, Boris's attempt to protect him puts his own family in danger. Will doing the right thing cost him more than he's willing to pay? Will Boris and Anna live to see their second anniversary?


 FOR BETTER AND WORSE is the fourth book in Shards of Sevia, a Dystopian Romantic Suspense series. It continues the story that began in WRONG PLACE, RIGHT TIME.



E.B. Roshan has enjoyed a nomadic lifestyle for several years, living in the Middle East and Asia, but is now temporarily settled in Missouri with her husband and two sons. When she's not chasing the boys or cleaning the house, she's writing the latest installment in the Shards of Sevia series.

To learn more about E.B. Roshan and her books, visit



First off -- if you're a fan of dystopian novels that present thought-provoking moral and ethical dilemmas, you'll really like this one.  It grabbed my attention within the first chapter, but I did end up taking a bit more time to get really invested into it -- just a few chapters, though.  It keeps a quick pace, and while it took me a little bit to really "get" the depths of the dystopian society Roshan presented, the worldbuilding really impressed me.  It was very compelling and, to a certain extent, pretty realistic too.  She starts the book right off with a fair amount of tension, and keeps building that pressure (whether through society's pressures, neighbors who are pressuring the characters, or knee-jerk choices made by the main couple) through the very end of the book.  And to top it all off, the female main character is heavily pregnant -- you don't see that in a dystopian novel everyday!  Through that, and the cascade of events that occur through the book, the author wonderfully presented some pretty deep themes for the reader to mull over.  Exactly how far would you go to protect your family?  Your employees?  Strangers?  Yourself?  And why?  Overall, it's an easy 5 stars from me, and I read it very quickly because I couldn't stand to put it down.  You'll probably feel the same way. 

What are some of your favorite dystopian novels? Do you plan on reading the Shards of Sevia series?  


  1. Wow, now you have me hooked on the series.


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