Sunday, May 8, 2022

LET THEM HEAR by Makenzie Gray - eARC + Street Team signups!

 Hey everyone! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that applications for eARC copies and the street team for Let Them Hear, Book 2 of the Midnight Hour Series, are officially open! Make sure you check it out, and if you haven't seen the blurb yet, here it is:

Since the End began, Unmarked are hunted and imprisoned like animals while the Marked live in excess. Eighteen-year-old Takvi has been on the run since it all began. When she learns that her brother is in the One Order’s custody - alive - she leaves everything to search for him. But to succeed in her rescue mission, she’ll need aid.

Gathering a ragtag group of Unmarked is dangerous, but it’s Takvi’s only chance at saving her brother. As they travel across apocalypse-torn North America, they learn the Order is growing darker and more powerful than they ever imagined. The group wants to save as many tortured Unmarked as possible - but Takvi refuses to face the wickedness she’s running from. One person can’t stop the End and Takvi won’t die for a lost cause. But everything has a cost these days. Will the rescue come at a cost too high to pay?

A gripping novel about sacrifice and redemption, The Hunger Games meets Mad Max in this post-apocalyptic ride.

LET THEM HEAR is Book 2 of the Midnight Hour series.

The release date is July 19, which is coming with such swiftness and speed that I'm reeling a bit, but we'll make it to the finish line for sure! If you want to be a HUGE help and sign up for eARCs, click HERE -- and if you want to be on the street team, click HERE! Thank you in advance!


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