Monday, July 18, 2022


 Hey everyone! Today I'm excited to announce the release of Let Them Hear by Makenzie Gray (my evil alter-ego)! In case you haven't checked out the series yet, here's some praise from some amazing Goodreads reviewers: 

By Stephanie, for Let Them Hear: "[...]it honestly took a couple chapters to get into it [Those With Ears](Takvi is intentionally hard to like, but I loved her brother, Noam, fairly early on) but within a few chapters, and it became one of my favorite reads of 2022, as well as one of my all time favorites as far as 'first books' in a Dystopian series! I absolutely could not WAIT to read this one, and boy! What a ride!

So much happens and I LOVED it! I can't (and won't) say much because, wow!, it's chock full of twists, surprises, and unpredictable challenges, but it was such a wonderful second installment, and I can't wait to see what happens next for this ragtag band of ragamuffins!" (Full review HERE)

By Vanessa, for Let Them Hear: "[...] Moral/Theme: Wow, this kind of book makes you think, and that's the beautiful part about dystopian books. I loved the characters' courage to do what was right and to proclaim the Gospel in the face of nearly-promised death. We ought to be that brave right now, when the majority of us won't be faced with death if we share the Gospel with someone. I also appreciated how the author approached the Will of God in protecting His people - if it's His Will for us to be protected, nothing can touch us!" (Full review HERE)

By Nathaniel, for Those With Ears: "Wow…I’m really looking forward to book two in this haunting series. This is a fictional (obviously) account of the end of the world. It’s told by a Christian and it’s SO good. Do I share the same beliefs in everything? Not necessarily…but that doesn’t take away from the POWER of this book. 
Wow. That’s literally all I can say.
But like the plot, the characters, the scariness…it’s all done so well. This is a really good book." (Full review HERE)

In case you haven't checked out Let Them Hear yet, here's the blurb!

Since the End began, Unmarked are hunted and imprisoned like animals while the Marked live in excess. Eighteen-year-old Takvi has been on the run since it all began. When she learns that her brother is in the One Order’s custody - alive - she leaves everything to search for him. But to succeed in her rescue mission, she’ll need aid.

Gathering a ragtag group of Unmarked is dangerous, but it’s Takvi’s only chance at saving her brother. As they travel across apocalypse-torn North America, they learn the Order is growing darker and more powerful than they ever imagined. The group wants to save as many tortured Unmarked as possible - but Takvi refuses to face the wickedness she’s running from. One person can’t stop the End and Takvi won’t die for a lost cause. But everything has a cost these days. Will the rescue come at a cost too high to pay?

A gripping novel about sacrifice and redemption, The Hunger Games meets Mad Max in this post-apocalyptic ride.

Let Them Hear is Book 2 in the Midnight Hour series.

Want to check out the books? 
Book one in the Midnight Hour series, Those With Ears, can be purchased HERE, and Let Them Here is now live HERE! Paperbacks and Kindle editions are available now. Those With Ears is currently FREE on Kindle, so now's a great time to jump into the series! (AND Amazon is having a bit of a sale on paperbacks for Those With Ears right now if that's your jam -- great timing on their part!) 

And if you've already devoured both books, stay tuned. #3 is on the horizon. 


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