Saturday, August 6, 2022


 Hey everyone! Today I'm SO stoked to share the cover reveal for Extension Squad Vol 1 by R.M. Scheller! First, some info!


Austin calls it honor. The others call it sulking. Either way, they’re all on death row.

The law is simple: a life for a life, no matter the circumstances. When aspiring hero Austin takes a life in defense of another person, he’s thrown in with the cutthroats on death row. Even though they’re doomed to die, they’re given an extension—by doing the grunt work for the heroes, they can prolong the time until they’re killed. But Austin refuses to play that game. If he’s going to die sooner or later anyway, he’ll do so with his pride intact. The only question is whether he has the resolve to see it through. Extension Squad Vol. 1, the first in a new original-English light novel series written by R.M. Scheller and illustrated by Heather Rose, is releasing September 1.

Preorders are open NOW, and if you check out R.M. Scheller's Instagram page HERE, there are preorder goodies involved... 

And now for the cover!

Okay, so now for my fangirl moment: I had the honors of editing this book, and let me tell you, it's SO. GOOD. Marvel fans, DC fans, graphic novel fans, anti-hero'll love this. I'm dead serious. I adore how easily Scheller combined lovable and realistic characters with the fantastic, the thought-provoking and the stunning...and superhero-worthy abilities. 

Do you plan on picking up a copy? Click HERE!


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