Monday, January 2, 2023


 Hey everyone! 
So, what turned into a cover reveal for my next Midnight Hour series novels (under Makenzie Gray), turned into a title and blurb reveal as well, and THEN turned into an exciting announcement for another work. 

So without further ado, on the Gray side of things...

1) Alex Silvius Anthology HERE LIES WANDERLAND: I'm thrilled to announce that I will have poetry published in Alex Silvius' upcoming anthology. I sent in my submission on a whim and was floored to find out I was accepted. More info coming soon!! 

2) Are you ready for a title reveal? Midnight Hour Series Book 3 will be titled Eyes To See, releasing March 6, 2023 (God willing). 

3) We have a blurb: 

A false messiah emerges, Tarik Azrael announces a death penalty for Unmarked, and wicked beasts lurk in the shadows.

Two months after Noam’s prison escape, Tikvah and the group find themselves on a new mission: find Halfway, a strange place promising shelter, buried deep in abandoned woods. But  there’s a price on their heads and the work of liberating Unmarked refugees grows harder. Riskier. Even Noam’s liberation was not a clean escape.

When a ghost from Noam’s imprisonment is assigned a deadly new mission, the team scrambles to stay ahead of the game. To make it worse, the horrors they’ve witnessed come calling in unusual ways. Will they have eyes to see the spiritual and physical war they fight against? 

A story of sacrificial love and surviving in defiance when the world demands your death, EYES TO SEE is the third installment of the Midnight Hour series. 

Preorders will be coming soon, and I'm officially in the polishing stages of the book. (Well. The polishing stages where you gotta really SCRUB but at any rate.)

And.... 4) We have a cover!

What do you think?! Let me know!


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