Thursday, June 8, 2023



So when I was inspired to write Back to Me, I also tossed around the idea of doing a devotional...which was quickly set aside because I felt unequipped to do so. 

And it hit me full-force again this year, in the beginning of May. When I sat down to brainstorm, I had a thirty-day devotional outlined within half an hour...and for me to sit down and outline something is a feat in and of itself. To stick with said outline is miraculous. And to finish the draft in two weeks? Pffft. 
But it happened.  And Draft One wasn't total trash??
So this is one of those "fast and furious" drafts that pop up out of nowhere and all of a sudden, boom, they're published. Right now, the devotional is with a couple awesome beta readers, but for now, I thought I'd drop the blurb to share it with you guys! The title will be revealed soon. 

Everyone encounters suffering through their lifetime. What you do with it involves a series of choices. In this devotional, we'll learn...
  • To pursue forgiveness, not bitterness
  • How to reconcile the past and rely on God for strength
  • The importance of moving forward rather than growing stagnant
  • How Satan uses hurt to distract us from God, and how to fight against his schemes
  • Why we need to submit ourselves to God in continual obedience 

With daily readings, Bible verses, a starter prayer, and questions to contemplate with God, this devotional shares a personal journey of healing while presenting the case for giving up control to God, throwing off the bondage of sin and shame we've held onto for too long.

Again, title reveal will be coming soon! Keep an eye out for cover reveal signups too. 
So what do you think?
If you haven't grabbed a copy of BTM this week, tomorrow is the last day for freebies. Check it out 


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