Tuesday, August 22, 2023


 Yikes, folks. 
When I started out the year, I only planned on having, like, four releases total, plus whatever anthologies I'd be accepted into. 

But there were apparently other plans, because I'm barreling down the path of prepping FOUR releases just in the next couple months. 

SO -- 

Here's the master sheet of what's going on. Plus a surprise, but you'll have to keep reading to find that one.

September 12, A Dance of Rebels launches. Perfect for folks who enjoy the nostalgia of The Nutcracker with a fresh story to be told. It's...
* Nonmagical Fantasy
* Full of themes like hope, letting go of control, and overcoming darkness with light
* Sweet romantic subplot
* Clean YA

This one is perfect for most ages, I'd recommend 15+ due to mild references to human trafficking.

Kindle preorders HERE and paperback/hardcovers HERE. If you order on Amazon, please fill out your form for preorder goodies HERE!! If you preorder a paperback/hardcover from me, preorder goodies will be included as well. 

Then October 17, Back To Him: A Thirty Day Devotional on Giving Up Old Hurts and Relying On God will release. This one is my first nonfiction. If you...

*Are looking for a book on biblical healing
*Enjoy short devotionals that make you think
*Don't want "self-help," but want to learn how to get closer to God
*Want a personal story alongside your devotional 
*Love recommendations for verses to study on your own 

Then you'll like this book! It's now available for preorder on Kindle, paperback, and hardcover. Just click HERE. If you enjoyed reading Back To Me, this is the real-life counterpart. 

Riding on the heels of Back to Him will be the installment Makenzie Gray fans have been waiting for:
Remnant of Us, book 4 of the Midnight Hour series, will launch October 31. So if you...
*Are a fan of fast-paced dysto-apoc novels
*Love gritty stories of radical light overcoming radical dark
*Fangirl over The Hunger Games and other dystopians 
*Don't mind some violence...
*Love cliffhangers

Then preorders are live on Kindle for that one too. I can't wait to share this one with ya!

F I N A L L Y...

The Highlander's Victory, book 3 in the Legends of Lanaria series, will be launched out into the world November 7, 2023.
Have I mentioned anything about this yet?
Not much, no. 
Have I shared the blurb yet?

So why don't I just share that now?

Her family refuses to fight the war. But Isla refuses to cower, no matter the cost.

Isla is outraged at the damages the Norvege war has caused to her own country, and she refuses to turn a blind eye. As the rageful warmonger focuses on finding the rest of the Prophecy before Lanaria, Isla joins forces with the countries fighting to end the war. Labeled a rebel, traitor, and runaway, she takes control where her clan leader would not, and recklessly leads a group of zealous soldiers into battle.

But pride has a deadly cost. And when Isla falls to rock bottom, she’s lured to the darkness her ancestors once worshipped. Will she succumb to death, or will she emerge victorious?

Inspired loosely by the biblical story of Deborah, grab this compelling story of conquering darkness and following God’s path no matter the cost.

If you like...
*Stories boldly calling you out from darkness
*Gripping fantasies with a purpose
*Fantastical creatures of old
*The short story "Light and Truth" from Where Giants Fall...

I think you'll enjoy this one too ;) 

CLICK HERE for Preorder Goodies, and HERE to preorder on Amazon while it's $0.99! It's also on Goodreads now HERE.

And since it's already up for preorder, you're gonna see it anyway. So why not peep the cover?

So which one are you most excited for? 


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