Monday, November 6, 2023


 Hey everyone!
The laaaaast release of the year. (For me, anyway.) It's been four weeks straight of release days, and I'm beyond blessed to be on that wild ride, but I'm also very thankful to be done, haha. The Highlander's Victory is live on Amazon (paperback and Kindle!) today! Thank you so much for your continued support of the Legends of Lanaria series; I barely marketed this one at all (really dropped the ball, honestly) and still got just about as many preorders as I have for the other books in the series, which was pretty cool. So I appreciate you all!


So what's next?

I have a few fun ideas planned for next year that I'm hard at work on, including once monthly Freelance Fridays which will offer advice on a variety of topics, from building a business to editing and honing your writing craft. I hope to be able to serve folks with encouragement and constructive information to jump-start their own entrepreneurial streak! I also have about 8 (million) WIPs planned out, plotted, and ready to go, which I'll be sharing about very, very soon. Once I catch my breath. But if you enjoy contemporaries, I've got you. If you enjoy historical fantasy, I've got you. If you enjoy grittier fantasy, I've got you too. Dystopian? Mak Gray's got ya. If you enjoy'cha. Plus a few more that I have to keep my mouth shut on for now...

In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for sales, some pretty exciting stuff coming up Thanksgiving week, and newsletters coming soon! 


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