Thursday, December 7, 2023


 Sustain: to uphold, to nurture, to care for protectively; to be at the right hand supportively; a patient enduring; perseverance. 

I don't know about you, but this year's been a doozy, and I know a lot of other folks who feel the same way. Honestly, it'd be great if the crises would just take a number and sit down, right? 

The word "sustain" kind of intrigues me (lately, anyway). At first I only thought of it as far as music goes--and I love how this one website (HERE) defines it: "To sustain a note is to give it life and make it a part of the flow of the song." But then I did a word study in the Greek/Hebrew on the various meanings of "sustain" found in the Bible. Those are listed above. I still like how it's described musically -- to give something life. 

Which, of course, is what God does for us. To give us life and continually upholds us through the flow of our lives. But what about when life, frankly, could be going a lot better?

Sometimes, God doesn't part the sea. Sometimes (or more often than not, if we're honest), He wants us to walk through the trial, the struggle, the circumstances we never wanted to face.

But it's because He will sustain us. He will nurture and care for us as we do His will. He will give us life and endurance to walk through the struggle. He didn't stop Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego from getting put into the furnace, or Daniel from the lion's den for that matter. But He protected them all while they were there. He brought them through circumstances they never could've survived on their own. And they're stories that not only strengthened the faith of the Jewish people back in the day, it's something that Jews and Gentiles alike continue to be strengthened by today. It's just as miraculous as the sea parting, but it only happened because those people had the faith to follow God even when it looked like death was imminent. Only through that could God be glorified. They could've been on the sidelines, could've said, "Nope. Not touching that." Could've let fear detract them from obedience to God. But then He wouldn't have been glorified, and perhaps they would have strayed further down the path of disobedience. But because they acted in obedience, they were protected. Spared. 

If you're going through it right now, if you're drained and exhausted and feel like the punches keep coming...I just want to say that God doesn't always take away the struggle (we're promised the opposite). But it's also promised that God will lead us, will walk behind, beside, and before us, and that not even a sparrow passes without His knowledge. He promises to provide your every need. But it only happens when we humble ourselves and allow Him total control over our lives. 

Stay obedient. God will see you through to the end. And chances are, people are watching your living testimony right now who might look at what you've survived and find the courage to trust God more, too.

"And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." (Romans 5:3-5 NKJV)


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