Saturday, March 17, 2018

Week In Review: Where'd Spring Break Go?

Well, there went spring break.  Next week I head back to my college courses, and this week is actually going to be a lot more hectic than midterms.  I was expecting a bit of a lull before the latter half of the semester kicked in, like that slow pause high up on a roller-coaster before you start plummeting headfirst back to the ground...but so much for that!  The downhill trend has begun. Image result for Chuck Bartowski annoyed gif
(Credit: NBC's Chuck,



Currently Reading: Well...nix this section this week, because I haven't decided which book to read yet!

Current Projects: Still working on the 150th anniversary play for my church, which I think is almost finished.  Hopefully, since I have officially less than a month before we're supposed to start practices!  I'm also working on My Compass Home and I have to write an article for Clarion University's opinion section in their newspaper this weekend as well.  (I've been a columnist for them since my freshman year at the college.)  So far (not including today, since I have a bunch of work to finish once I'm done with this blog post) I've written roughly 5,000-7,000 words this week. 

Current Bible Verse: Casting all your care [alt: anxieties] upon him, for He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7 NKJV) 'Nuff said. 

Additionally, this week I went to a musical production of The Little Mermaid at one of the local school districts.  A friend of mine from youth group was in the cast.  They did a spectacular job, and I almost wish I could buy a CD of their music!   

What did you guys do this week? 


  1. Whoa, sounds exciting! Awesome job on the writing. :D And I'll be praying for you - you're gonna rock college!!
    God bless,
    -Ang |
