Saturday, May 16, 2020

Current Projects & Editing Deals

Hey everyone!  I meant to make this post in April, but I never did, and then I planned to do it in the beginning of May, but that got blown out of the water completely, and, well, I'm a terrible blogger.  

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably already know this, but I'm offering my editing services at a reduced rate.  Said deal was originally just for the month of April, but I've extended it through the end of May -- so you have a couple more weeks to get your reservations in place!  

ANY summer editing spot that is reserved through the month of May will receive a discounted rate of $2.00/1000 words.  Now is a great time to reserve a spot for your Camp NaNo project, or to achieve your summer publishing goals at a discounted rate!  I'm free for the month of June and have a couple of spots left for July and August, so make sure to contact me soon if you'd like to have your book edited soon. 

Prices will go back to normal ($3.00/1000 words) as of June 1st, so make sure to email me or send in THIS form if you'd like to reserve your spot or ask some questions about my services.  Click HERE to learn more about the services I offer.  


I finished my Camp NaNo goal in April, which was to write 50k words, and ended up with about 52k by the end of the month.  Pretty great, if you ask me!  I'll be making an official post to talk about said project soon (and if you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen it...I suppose I should keep my blog updated as well as I do Insta...), so keep your eyes peeled!  I'm in the second draft of it already, and although there's a lot of work yet to go on it, I'm hoping to get it out in the world sometime this year.  In the meantime, here's a sneak peek aesthetic collage for it.  


I'm also working on the second draft of Keeping Cassie, which is the third installment of the Mount Sterling series...yes, it's still a thing, even though I haven't mentioned it at all.  Oops.  But it's going along quite nicely, considering that at the beginning of the year, I thought I'd have to totally redo it.  Yay for not having to rewrite an entire book, amiright?  I have several ideas that I'm working on right now, too -- some Scotland historical fiction, a dystopian, and of course, plenty of romance to go around.  There might even be another short book of poetry and short stories this year, if I can cobble together enough works that I actually like, so keep your eyes peeled!  

Finally, I'm trying to revive my newsletter, so if you aren't signed up for that yet, make sure you're on the list!  I've decided that my newsletter-sending-out day will be on Tuesdays, next newsletter will be going out on a Tuesday soon.  Just have to finalize a few details.  

Sign up HERE!

What are you working on?  Any reading or writing plans for the summer?  I can't wait to hear about it!


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