Friday, July 31, 2020


Hey everyone!  Today I have a cover reveal, this time for myself!  I know I haven't shared a lot about the third book in my Mount Sterling series, but August is its time to shine.  For readers of the series, you'll be happy to hear that I'm looking at a mid-August release date, depending on how quickly I can get the final edits added in, and how awful my Internet decides to be.  I'm a bit nervous about ordering author copies because, first of all, the delays with COVID and everything, but also because the proof copy I ordered arrived with pages literally just dropping out of it everywhere.  Gave me a bit of a turn when I went to flip a page and it fell out in my hand!  So hopefully Amazon will play nice with quality control for the actual final copies...

(Writer's life,'s weird.)  

But for now, I can show you something - or a few things, actually.  Because not only do I have the cover to show off, I've also got a couple of quotes since I've been so tight-lipped about the project.  

Sound good?  Yay!  


Joanna and Walter are growing quite comfortable in the role of foster-parenting the baby that slipped into their lives so soon.  However, they are once more uprooted when Cassie's biological father steps forward.  In a college town like Mount Sterling, gossip is always flowing - when they discover a secret that Cassie's father is hiding, they take it upon themselves to fight for Cassie's life.  

Meanwhile, plans for Carter's House are well underway, offering light to any teen who wants to reach out for it.  Will Joanna be able to turn her memories - the very ones that once drove her away from home altogether - into a path to Christ for the brokenhearted, or will she crack under pressure?

Annnd here's the cover!  

What are your thoughts?  Anyone looking forward to Keeping Cassie's release?  


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