Tuesday, October 13, 2020

THE LADY OF LANARIA: New Preorder Options!

Hey everyone!  I have a quick announcement (well, two) to let you know about!  First of all, I just opened up signed paperback preorders for anyone who wants to get a signed paperback.  Make sure to get your order in before November 2nd!  You'll also get a preorder goodie packet shipped with your book.  They're only $9.00 with shipping included!  Click HERE for more information and to sign up.  (This is only for U.S. mailing addresses, sorry!)

BUT if you're an international reader, you can still preorder your own Kindle version of The Lady of Lanaria on Amazon for $0.99!  If you do so, please contact me or fill out this form HERE and let me know that you're an int'l reader.  I have a special digital preorder goodie packet with printables and phone wallpapers/lock screens that I can email to you!  

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.  Stay tuned -- in the coming weeks, I'll be announcing more plans for the November 6th release, giveaways, and more!  Only a few weeks til release day!  Who's excited?


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