Monday, March 22, 2021


Hey everyone!  Today I have a post sharing about a wonderful Christian nonfiction novel by Grace Valentine, called Is It Just Me?    


Many women joke about having trust issues—laughing at their struggle because it feels common but secretly feeling there is no hope. Grace Valentine was one of them. In her twenties, she realized her trust issues were not humorous because, in reality, hers were trust issues with Jesus, her community, her family, and herself. And they were destroying her faith. Grace told herself she was simply being realistic, but the truth was, she was entangled with doubt and lies.

In Grace’s second book, Is It Just Me?, she offers readers a new perspective by helping them find answers to five deeply felt questions:

Am I the only one who is tired, overwhelmed, doubting, and fearful?
Am I the only one who feels hurt and lonely?
Am I the only one who still is struggling to find my purpose?
Am I the only one struggling to trust that God is there?
Am I the only one confused about how to be an adult?

Grace’s personal story and perceptive insights show other young women that they are not alone and they can trust God in the middle of their hurts, doubts, and fears.


Make sure to check out the JustReads Tour Instagram page for more information on the giveaway for this tour -- you have the chance to win a print copy of Is It Just Me? and Am I Enough? by Grace Valentine!  Click HERE.

I had the opportunity of reading this book as well, and it's definitely something that young adult ladies will want to check out.  It touches on some very hard questions that we face -- a lot of the norms we face as well -- and challenges them in light of God's Word.  Valentine has a very personal touch to her writing; it almost feels like you're just there having a chat with her.  It's very easy to read, enjoyable, thought-provoking, and keeps your attention the entire way through the book, which is impressive for a nonfiction/instructional book.  It's something that will encourage you to dig into the Bible to find answers for yourself, which is super important.  There are also some great discussion questions/journaling prompts included in each chapter.  Overall, it's a great book to check out; very open, honest, and down-to-earth.  


  1. Replies
    1. Definitely! It was interesting to read such an inspirational nonfiction book written by someone so close to my own age, too.
