Sunday, June 13, 2021


Hey everyone!  Today I have several bookish updates to announce!  

1) Most exciting: I have six books set to go on sale from June 18th through June 22nd. They will be FREE on Kindle for those five days to celebrate the official arrival of summer.  The books that will be listed? Everything I Never Said, Everything and Nothing, the entire Mount Sterling Collection (Beautiful Chaos, Something New, Keeping Cassie) and The Lady of Lanaria! Look up any of these on Amazon and you should be able to download them for free starting Friday the 18th. 

2) Okay, so maybe this is the most exciting.  I OFFICIALLY have hardback copies of The Lady of Lanaria available!  I just got my proof copy on Friday and I was blown away by how gorgeous it is. Even with the weird little "proof" band that I have an odd disdain for. It's just so perfect. I can't even. And now, the hardback copies are available on Amazon HERE!  However, if you'd like to own a signed copy, I will be putting in a bulk order for hardbacks (if I get orders for them, anyway).  Fill out the form HERE to request a copy -- deadline is June 24th! 

3) Well...I have to say that I'm pretty excited about this, too, but I'm not giving up any details quite yet. I'm not weirdly excited about the sale itself, but definitely for the reasoning behind it.  Stay tuned.  BUT for now, I'm offering clearance prices on my remaining signed copies of Welcome Home and Guide Me Home (I have one copy of the first book and two of the latter - so very limited stock).  If you'd like to own one, fill out the form HERE and check out the prices, etc. 
Oh, and do you have any guesses about why I'm giving clearance prices for my current stock and not offering these guys for sale on Kindle this week?  I promise those two details are related. If you have any guesses, let me know in the comments.  

Anyway -- what do you guys think? Any exciting plans for summer? Anyone planning on getting some freebies this weekend? Sound off!