Friday, October 8, 2021


 Hey everyone! 
I'm so excited to be sharing the cover reveal for the anthology Angela R. Watts and I have been working on, Where Giants Fall. Submissions just closed last week, and we've been busy going through the awesome stories that were sent in! It's been such a great time. Likewise, we've been sitting on this cover since summer, so I'm excited to finally blab about it! 

So blab I will...

(In a second.)  First, here's our current synopsis: 
The theme of this fantasy anthology is light in the darkness. This anthology offers bold, heartfelt stories that will leave the reader deep in thought and breathless from fast-paced action! If you enjoy stories about underdog heroes, or scary foes, this anthology will keep you reading past your bedtime! Releasing early 2022!

While you mark your calendars, we'll be busy sending out acceptances and rejections soon, so keep your eyes peeled if you also sent in a story! 

NOW - for the cover!

Here it is, the gorgeous, gorgeous thing!

Can't you just see it sitting on your shelf?! Stay tuned for early 2022! ;) 


  1. Aaaaahhhh I love, love, LOVE this cover SO much!!!!!!!! *heart eyes* Can't wait for the anthology to release!!!!
