Sunday, February 5, 2023


 Hey everyone! If you're on my mailing list, you already know about this -- but if you're not, keep reading!

If you've read my fantasy before, you know The Lady of Lanaria leans more toward historical than fantasy within its "historical fantasy" genre. This is a stepping stone, one that will open up a progressively deeper story. War. Spiritual warfare. Spiritual gifts. And realizing who we are is nothing without the one who created us. That even on the darkest night, we only need to turn toward the Light of the world to be held in safety.

So the series I'm working on? I was going to share about this after Valentine's Day, but I can't wait anymore. I'll be sharing more details after then, plus cover reveal info, so on, yada yada. *is tired just thinking about it* 

BUT I'm thrilled to announce: 
LEGENDS OF LANARIA will be a six-book series, of which The Lady of Lanaria is now considered book one. Book two will, God willing, be released MAY 23, 2023. The title is: 

The Healer of the Brigade. 

Merging loose themes from Beauty and the Beast as well as Tennyson's  "The Charge of the Light Brigade" (one of my all time favorite poems), this book will focus on strength in weakness, forgiveness, and healing. 

As for the fantasy elements? We'll have some actually quite real elements that just happen to work perfectly in the fantasy realm. Read the book of Acts if you want some ideas -- what the disciples were able to do in Jesus' name. We serve the same God who gave that power to the disciples, and the same Spirit dwells inside us if we're believers. That's something I've been learning more and more of this past year. It's something that hit me square between the eyes last year. Many of the characters will have very strong spiritual gifts, which are also completely biblical. 

I know this series won't be for everyone, and that's mainly why I waffled about going this direction with the books in the first place. I've gotten some guff after I shared my testimony of being healed from chronic migraines and crippling anxiety back in June. That scares folks. It used to scare me too. But that event is something I can't shut up about. It made me want to grow closer to God, to learn more about Him. And I'm pretty sure that's a good thing! It happened for a reason, and I feel more and more that I'm being led to write about what I'm learning. I'm learning (slowly) (painstakingly slowly) to speak Truth even if that means losing support or friends. I won't hold it against you if this is something that makes you uncomfortable.  But I do hope you'll stick around. 

So without further ado, the newly redesigned The Lady of Lanaria is now available on Amazon, and you'll be able to pick the Kindle edition up for FREE from February 10-14th. Please note this book does not have any additional content (like, a few sentences were changed but that's it), but the interior design and exterior have been updated to match what will be the rest of the series. 


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