Friday, October 6, 2023


 Hey everyone! Today I'm excited to share my review of a debut fantasy novel by new author, Thirzah! This one really caught me by surprise, and it was fun to read. Check out some info below!


Thirzah was born in the Netherlands, but grew up in Southern Maryland. In her spare time (what’s that?), Thirzah enjoys hanging out with other writers, creating jewelry, and making fantasy maps. As the managing editor of The Pearl (, Thirzah has worked with many writers to help them improve their work. Learn more about Thirzah and connect with her on her website,, and find her on Instagram @thirzahwrites



Amelia’s peaceful life as a librarian is cut short when she and her older brother Leon are sent on an errand to Eldnaire, the capital city of the vicious Vilnarian Empire. After witnessing a crime carried out in the woods, Amelia and Leon enter the capital only to be faced with an impossible choice: tell the truth and risk imprisonment, or lie and face far worse if they’re caught.

One deception leads to a dozen more, and before she can put an end to the lies, she and Leon are swept up into Vilnaria’s high society. Amelia finds an unlikely ally in Vilnaria’s handsome new ruler, Emperor Kyvir. But as the secrets and scandals continue to pile up and danger closes in on all sides, Amelia must decide once and for all what matters more: the truth...or her life?



Okay, WOW. I was really caught by surprise with this book, and totally wish it had been longer (I'm rooting for the rest of the series). The characters are dynamic, realistic, and you immediately want to root for them. The worldbuilding is pretty good, balancing the historical with a soft undertone of fantasy that makes it quite whimsical. And of course, the sibling dynamic is undoubtedly real! This is a real cross between the gentler fairytales like Cinderella and grittier worlds full of mercenaries and deception, which was executed very, very well. There's almost a Shakespeare vibe going on, too, which I really enjoyed. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who loves a quick fantasy read, but I must warn you: you'll hit the end of the book too soon, double-check that you really just finished it, and then be stuck waiting for book two.  And if you enjoy romance, there's just a smidge that is perfect for the story. Definitely an easy 5/5 from me, and a stellar debut. 


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