Sunday, March 10, 2024


 Hey everyone! 

So I've been working on an actually not-so-secret project (I've talked about the topic on my blog and my socia media posts so it's been right there the whole time, I just never fessed up to an upcoming release) and 'tis time to finally share. Sustain: A Thirty Day Devotional Dedicated to Remembering God's Sovereignty in Hardship is my next book baby coming at you JUNE 5, 2024. Not only is it a devotional, but it includes a five-week study guide in the back which can be completed individually or as a group. Read on for more info!


Sustain: to uphold, to nurture; patiently persevere. 

In this devotional, we'll find...

  • Ways God helps us through trials
  • The importance of using pain to grow closer to God
  • Case studies of biblical characters whose testimonies point toward a God who does incredible things through suffering
  • Why we must submit our will to God's daily
  • Ways we can find gratitude in the midst of trouble

With daily readings, Bible verses, starter prayers, and questions designed to deepen your relationship with God, this devotional shares numerous Scriptures that promise God's sustaining strength in our lives even when He feels far away, while challenging various lies the world has taught us about suffering. 

Releasing June 5, 2024.

Kindle preorders are live NOW (click HERE) and paperback and hardcovers are live NOW as well--click HERE to submit your preorders. 

Here’s why ordering this devotional is so important: 

First: All of the royalties will be given to Fire Now Ministries, a ministry local to me that is absolutely on-fire for God and dedicated to serving the community with counseling, Bible studies, evangelism, and more. The work that these folks tackle is amazing and even more, their dedication to discipleship and growing the Kingdom is incredible. I’ve never seen anything like it in our little rural blink-and-you-miss-it hometown. But I’m so grateful for their ministry and the work that they do. 

SO whether you order hardback, paperback, Kindle, or read it on Kindle Unlimited, the royalties from this devotional will be donated to their Kingdom work. And if you’d like to partner with them further (be it a donation, sharing their content, or hey, if you happen to need a pretty good revival speaker…) check them out on Facebook HERE, Instagram HERE, and sign up for their newsletter HERE

Next, the nitty-gritty: In this devotional, I’ll also be sharing some of my testimony with how God healed me of anxiety and chronic migraines, which happened at a revival service held at my church. I know some folks get worked up when I mention it…I’ve been told a lot of things by a lot of upset folks when I testify about God's grace in healing me, but my God did the impossible for me. Those chains were broken and redeemed by the power of Christ and the sacrifice He made which we will celebrate later this month. I know He can do the same for you, because I’ve woken up every morning for the last year and a half thanking God for another migraine-free day. I’ve seen Him move in friends’ lives in even more incredible ways. I know He can do the same for you too. And even if the solution isn’t coming until Heaven, there’s a whole lot we can learn about God’s character and faithfulness toward us through the tough times. How He tenderly cares for us when we’re weak. How He fights battles we don’t even see on our behalf. And how He loves us enough to turn all our struggles and that which was meant to harm us instead to good for the furtherment of His kingdom (that’s Genesis 50:20). We've just gotta allow Him control over our lives. Not only will I talk about my testimony of healing, but also of what He did through the rough patches that brought on the anxiety and migraines too. Because there’s a whole lot to learn on this road, and I hope you’re along for the ride.  

That’s why I want to share this devotional with you. I can’t sit on what God did for me and keep it to myself. It’s my prayer that someone, even just one person, would read this and be touched in such a way that their faith in God would be ignited, strengthened, and grown.

Just like Between Us was published on December 13th in honor of the day I chose to seek counseling instead of continuing my own struggle, Sustain will be released on the second anniversary of my healing. (Which is why release day is on a Wednesday, not an industry-typical Tuesday.) 

Oh, and since I have the cover on hand too and you'll see it if you check out Amazon, I guess we can share that too...


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