Monday, April 1, 2024




Hey everyone! 

So back at the beginning of the year, I messaged several folks wondering if they'd be interested in a closed-submissions historical fantasy anthology surrounding the theme of HOPE. And I'm so excited for what these authors come up with, because I know they're an incredible group of people that I'm privileged to know and work alongside. In addition to the stories these folks are working on, I would love to see a few poetry submissions and an additional, very limited amount of short stories for the anthology too -- so from May 1st through May 31st, send in your poetry and short story submissions for consideration! You may submit a maximum of three (3) poems or one (1) short story *and* one (1) poem for consideration. 

If you received the original closed-submissions invitation? Never fear! I still want to see your submissions, and the information you received regarding short stories and poetry still stands -- this can be a reminder for when the deadline is!! 

Read on for the deets, creatives!

THEME: Changing for the better can be difficult. Downright devastating. But yet, there is hope. 

YOUR MISSION: Show us the insurmountable circumstances and then show us what it looks like to change for hope. Show us the miracle it will take to change a life, a circumstance, an internal struggle, a battle, family struggle, and more. Contemplate what hope means to you

How far will your characters go for hope? 

SHORT STORIES: I'm looking for a word count between 5,000 and 10,000. 

POETRY: I'm specifically looking for ballads -- they may be focused on a character-driven plot or a piece on hope itself. If you really want to impress me, I would love to see a poem where hope is embodied as a character. 

What IS a ballad? "A poem that tells a story of adventure, of romance, or of a hero, that [...] has stanzas of four lines with a rhyme on the second and fourth lines." (Merriam-Webster definition).

This is a historical fantasy anthology, so if you're writing a character-driven poem, please make sure your setting is suitable! Romantic subplots are fine, violence/war/etc. is also fine; however, please no erotica or explicit scenes, no profanity, and I will also not accept poems or short stories that glorify witchcraft.

There is no cost to submit your work. 

Submissions will be due MAY 31, 2024 and are open NOW. 

Inspiration needed? Check out this Pinterest board HERE.

Anthology theme verses: Hebrews 10:23 and James 1:6. 

There is no cost to submit your work. Authors will retain all rights and ownership over their works. 

A one-time payment will be offered to each author via PayPal, check, or cash mailed to you (U.S. only for those last two options, sorry!) and the anthology will be listed for Kindle and Paperback as close to print price as possible so no further royalties will be collected. 

Save this post, because this will be the first and last time I'm sharing about this opportunity on my blog. Ready to submit? Click HERE.


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