Saturday, April 28, 2018

Week In Review: April Showers Are Actually Marvel Fan-Tears

Next week is the final week of classes before finals officially begin.
I need to get a move-on with a story idea I intend to send to publishing houses this summer.
I just watched Avengers: Infinity War yesterday.
Panic At the Children's Desk  #librarylife
Credit: Pirates of the Caribbean // Pinterest
The culmination of 10 years' worth of movies. I won't say anything more than that, except that if you're a Marvel fan you need to turn off your social media because there are a lot of trolls posting very real spoilers online, and it's a movie well worth watching spoiler-free. And I'm very glad that the next movie is coming out in just a year'll see.  If you aren't a Marvel fan, I apologize--rant over in a second. If you are a Marvel fan, this one's for you guys. You'll need a hug after you see the movie.
Image result for agents of shield fitz screaming gif
Credit: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 1 //Pinterest

That aside....

Currently reading: Still the Star Wars book--it's not that it isn't interesting, I just haven't had the time to read it.  Ugh! 

Current projects: I'm working on My Compass Home edits and this week I finished the first (horrendously rough) draft of Something New.  ICYMI, this week I also self-published the play I've mentioned a couple of times, "A Town Nativity" and it is now available for purchase.  Finally, I'm working on that manuscript I mentioned above.  I have no clue how many words I wrote this week, but it was a lot and I was actually starting to get a callous on one of my fingers from drawing it back and forth across pages for prolonged periods of time...

Current Bible verse:  "Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble, and He brings them out of their distresses.  He calms the storm, so that its waves are still."  (Psalm 107:28-29)  Calm...stillness...sounds like a great idea to me.  Good luck to any college students starting finals -- or high school students heading into the last month of school!

...Frankly, I can't really think of anything else news-worthy that happened this week, so I'm just going to leave it at that.  My brain's zapped from the four-hour-long psychology statistics exam I had yesterday.  Long story short: the coding software hates me and I hate it, so I suppose we're even. 

How did you guys' Camp NaNo goals turn out this month?  What are your plans for the weekend?  Or (spoiler-free, please, for the sake of those who haven't seen it yet) thoughts on the new Avengers film?


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