Sunday, November 22, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving Week + Book Sales + Winter BookFest!

 Hey everyone!  

Today I have a bunch of updates for you, but first I wanted to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving!  I know a lot of people are going back into lockdowns and whatnot, my state included, but even if you aren't planning on celebrating like you normally would, make sure to take some time to dwell on things that have gone well this year.  Even if you have a roof over your head and were able to grab breakfast this morning, because it's more than what other folks might have.  I know we like to joke around about how terrible 2020 has been, but we don't always have to subscribe to that train of thought.  Maybe taking some time to reflect on the positive side of things will do everyone a bit of good.  (And this is coming from a perpetual pessimist, so...) 

Secondly, I wanted to let you know about the book sales I will be offering later this week for Black Friday/Cyber Monday!  ALL of my Kindle books will be on some sort of discount.  
The Faith, Hope, and Love collection will be free under Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick's Black Friday Indie Sale (Welcome Home, My Compass Home, Guide Me Home); the Mount Sterling collection will also be free under the Indie Sale (Beautiful Chaos, Something New, Keeping Cassie); Everything And Nothing and Everything I Never Said will be free, and this will be the final week that The Lady of Lanaria will be available for $0.99.  So, all in all, you could very well get every single book I've released...for less than $1.  Unless you include tax, and then it's still well under $1.50.  Not too shabby, if I do say so myself!  All of those sales will be in place through Cyber Monday.  I'll be letting everyone know a bit more about Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick's book sale on Friday, including a link for the sale page, so keep your eyes peeled after the week's festivities!

If you prefer paperbacks, you'll be pleased to know that I'll be offering paperback sales on Amazon as well!  Pricing is as follows:

Mount Sterling series (Beautiful Chaos, Something New, Keeping Cassie) - $10.99 each, normally $12.99 each.

On Shop Small Saturday, I will also be offering a one-day deal on all the signed paperbacks I have available!  I will automatically be applying a $2.00 discount to all of the prices I have listed on my order form; so if the form says a book is $15.00, it'll only be $13.00, and so on.  Each package will come with a couple small handmade goodies.  I also have a very limited amount of bundles available; last Christmas, they were a hit, so I'm offering them again this year! And if you or someone you know has my books already and you'd like signed bookplates, I'm offering them for FREE!  It's a nice little surprise for someone who wants a signed copy of a particular book, but already has their own copy.  

Click HERE to see what I have available and to submit your request!  I will send you a PayPal invoice and an email acknowledging your request as soon as possible!  

And if you're looking for a wide variety of sewn and embroidered goods, my mom's store,  CJ's Crafts Shop, will be having a sale on Etsy for Black Friday-Cyber Monday!  Lots of gift ideas!  Click HERE to check out her store.

FINALLY, the weekend after Thanksgiving, I will be participating in the 2020 Virtual Winter BookFest hosted by Angela R. Watts!  It's a Facebook event, and a lot of fantastic YA authors will be in attendance.  There will be games, giveaways, time to chat with some great authors, and of course, you might be able to get some ideas for your Christmas/TBR list, if you enjoy YA books!  It's a multi-day event spanning December 4th through the 6th, with different authors posting throughout each day.  Make sure to mark yourself "Going" to the event, and invite your friends too!  Click HERE to view the page. 

Whew...I think that's about it for now, guys.  Lots of stuff coming up!  What are you excited for in the coming weeks?  What's a Thanksgiving tradition you're participating in this year?  And will I see you at the BookFest?!