Thursday, November 5, 2020






*happy dance*

It's the release day of The Lady of Lanaria!  I have a TON of stuff going on today/this week/this weekend, so make sure to catch up on the festivities! (Okay, it's not really *that* much going on, I'm just an extreme introvert)

Credit: Pinterest

You can now order your own PAPERBACKS!  If you pre-ordered, your Kindle copy should have arrived!  If you've been holding out for a paperback copy, you can order one on Amazon -- make sure to fill out a preorder goodie form through Nov. 13th!  I've still got a few stickers left, but once those are gone, the goodie package will consist of a bookmark, signed bookplate, and map -- but those are still pretty awesome treats if I do say so myself...Click HERE for the goodie form, after you click HERE and order your paperback (or Kindle)!!

And if you love it, make sure to leave a review!  I'm trying to get 15 reviews by November 14th, and I would be so honored if you contributed toward that goal!

All this week (and through Saturday), Neverland Book Tours has been hosting an awesome blog tour for The Lady of Lanaria -- if you haven't been keeping tabs on the tour via Insta or Facebook, here's your chance to check out the posts!  Click below to see the full schedule and check out what everyone's said about the book so far.

Kickoff Post by Neverland Book Tours 

(credit: TangledGifs on Tumblr)

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the blog tour, helped promote, gave shout-outs, provided encouragement, and helped me out on this journey to publishing The Lady of Lanaria!  You guys are the absolute sweetest.  This is the first book I've actually done a proper launch for, and...whew.  It's a LOT of work, but it's worth it.  I'm so excited that this book baby's out in the wild now, and that you guys really rallied and supported me from beginning to end!  

If you want to join me all day today for a Facebook launch party, make sure to click HERE!  There will be games and a few exclusive giveaways going on -- if you're on Instagram and NOT Facebook, don't worry!  I'll be sharing some of those posts on my Insta stories too!

And make sure to enter the giveaway!  The giveaway closes November 10th, so make sure to get those entries in if you haven't already! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Eeeeek, I am so excited and happy for you! I am also so glad that my pre-order was there when I woke up!

  2. So excited for you, Michaela 🎉
    Was ecstatic when my preorder delivered to kindle early last night!

  3. Ah, fun! The giveaway looks nice! I don't have IG so I can't enter, though.
