Wednesday, August 18, 2021



Hey everyone! I'm changing things up a bit for my editorial services, and thought I'd share a blog post announcing said updates.  There's quite a bit of ground to cover, so let's get going!   

1) Editing Bundles
I've been getting a lot of requests to complete multiple editing forms at once, so I'm creating bundle options.  With these bundles, you'll get a discount and a head-start on the next draft of your novel, so that's always a plus!  My ultimate intent here is to streamline the process of editing (and hopefully your timetable as well!) while also offering crucial suggestions for your next steps. 

Just Getting Started Bundle: 
Includes content (aka developmental) edit as well as a line edit once the content editing feedback has been implemented.  This includes a feedback sheet for the content edits. $6.00/1000 words.

Cleanup Bundle: 
Includes a line edit as well as a copy edit.  $5.00/1000 words.  

Polishing Bundle: 
Includes copy editing as well as a proofread once the copy edits have been implemented.  $5.00/1000 words. 

Everything Bundle: 
Includes a content edit, followed by a line edit once the content editing feedback has been implemented, and then a round of copy edits after that.  This includes a feedback sheet for the content edits. $8.00/1000 words.  

2) Editing Prices
Effective January 1, 2022, I will also be changing my prices depending on what type of editing service you'd like. The new fee schedule will be as follows:
Content: $5.00/1000 words
Line: $3.00/1000 words
Copy: $4.00/1000 words 

However, ANY project scheduled during 2021 (even if it's for 2022) will be honored with the old rates. (And if you know me, you know that I tend to do discounts a lot if you're a returning client, so there's also that.) Which leads me to my next announcement...

3) Series Discounts
I'm also humbled and so very thankful for the amount of folks who have sent their first book baby to me and then returned for subsequent books in their series!  As such, I thought that a discount is in order.  If you have one book in your series edited by me, you can return for subsequent novels and receive a 20% discount off of your total editing costs.  This does NOT have to only be the first book in your series; for example, if you come to me with book 2, you'll get a discount for book 3, so on.

ALSO, don't forget that I've already opened up options for Kindle Vella edits! Check out my blog post HERE for more information. 


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