Monday, July 12, 2021

EDITING RATES: Kindle Vella!


Hey everyone! This is just a quick announcement letting you know that I am now offering copy/line edits for the new Kindle Vella service. (No developmental edits at this time, sorry.)  As with the rest of my services, you can start booking me for winter (and 2022!) so if you have any stories planned, feel free to check out my services page HERE.

Now, how will edits work for Vella stories?  You can send me your story on a chapter-by-chapter basis. The flat rate for editing in this format will be $5.00 per chapter, regardless of length. 

If you have an entire finished serialized manuscript that you've written for Vella, however, you can send it as you would a normal novel, and I will charge you my regular rates for that. 

Is anyone else excited for Vella? I know I am - I've got a few ideas of my own that I'm excited to work with! 


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