Monday, January 31, 2022


 Hey everyone! I just wanted to drop by and let you all know that my dystopian novel, THOSE WITH EARS (under the pen name Makenzie Gray) is launching tomorrow! We've got a fun week planned with tour hosts, reviewers, and a couple great interviews -- and there have already been some absolutely fantastic reviews left. I'm so grateful to everyone who's helped with the launch! 

If you're interested, you can check it out and shelf it on Goodreads HERE, and you can preorder your Kindle copy on Amazon HERE (and, psssst, the paperback is already available.) 

What will Takvi do when the End begins?
In the blink of an eye, Takvi's guardians disappear into thin air, along with thousands more. When the government swiftly moves to cover up the Disappearing, she and her siblings grapple with the truth behind what happened. They've been government loyalists their whole lives, but a split in opinions threatens to upend their lives permanently.  

And Takvi is trapped in a vacuum where no solution leaves her or her family unscathed, which is the one thing she can't bear. 

The illegal book their guardians left them has answers that agree with her siblings, but Takvi struggles to accept it. When the newly-formed government tightens its grip in eerie prophetic fashion, will she stand up or will she fold? Will any of it matter in the end of the world? 

A compelling apocalyptic story on redemption, sibling bonds, and seeking truth in a corrupt world, Those With Ears is the first novel in the Midnight Hour series.

Signed copies your forte? Let me know and I'll be in touch! 
Make sure to follow Makenzie Gray on Facebook & Instagram (@authormakenziegray) for more updates because, why yes, there's quite a series planned...

Do you plan on reading Those With Ears


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