Tuesday, March 14, 2023


 Hey everyone! I'm so excited to share the cover reveal for A Prince is Lured by R.J. Setser, book 2 in The Tunockian Series! This book is pretty high on my TBR list for 2023, so I'm currently drooling over the cover. I've reviewed A Queen is Knighted on my blog HERE if you want to get into the series before this book is released! Here's some info on A Prince is Lured


The Beyond was his dream; until he woke up.

Prince Zack of Tunock has spent his whole life suppressing what his kingdom calls “The Curse of The Beyond”; the desire to explore the mythical world rumored to lie outside the borders of The Three Kingdoms. But after war breaks out and he’s taken prisoner, The Curse of The Beyond grows ever stronger in his mind until he can think of nothing else, driving himself mad as he slowly starves inside his cell. That’s when he wakes up; in the care of his rescuers on the border of the very mountains that hold the mythical passage to The Beyond.

The line between right and wrong is blurred as Tunockian siblings Lauraine and Zack make choices with the “greater good” in mind. But trust is broken and disagreements abound. Are the Three Kingdoms even worth saving when a world like Nilvanria exists?

In book two of The Tunockian Chronicles, continue the story of Queen Lauraine, Prince Zack, and their friends as they trod through Nilvanria to save the kingdoms of Tunock, Taus, and Wilmington while facing their own dreams—and nightmares.

This book is arriving in October 2023. Preorder for Kindle HERE and autographed paperbacks HERE. Preorder goodies are available! 


Isn't that gorgeous? Is the series on your TBR yet?? 


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