Wednesday, March 1, 2023



Hey everyone! 
If you're excited for The Healer of the Brigade coming out this spring, you'll be (hopefully) excited to know that you'll get an exclusive sneak peek at the main character, Aurelie, in my upcoming newsletter! March 6th is the date, so make sure you're signed up HERE. If you don't like free stories, I don't know what to do for ya. 

In case you need something to whet your palate, behold: a snippet. "The waves increased their assault on the limestone, soaking the tan rockface to a deeper hue. Perhaps the sea was just as enraged as Aurelie, tainted with the blood of innocents it never wished to consume." 

So what DID the sea steal? I'll see ya Monday and you'll find out.  

And if you need more fantasy shorts to binge before Monday, don't forget about the anniversary sale for Where Giants Fall! Snag your copy HERE.


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