Saturday, June 2, 2018

Week In Review: Beautiful Chaos Indeed

First off, the results of the Memorial Day sale:
1 paperback copy of Welcome Home sold
63 free downloads of Beautiful Chaos
Sixty three, guys.  I am blown away.  I was excited to see FIVE downloads!  After ten months of only one person having read this book (I jokingly refer to it as the book only a writer-mama could love), now sixty three different people are reading it.  I can't even fathom it and I am so thankful to you guys!  I really hope you all enjoy it....(even though now I'm freaking out because this is the largest audience I've reached.  Yikes.)
Credit: Pauley Perrette // giphy

Don't forget to leave reviews on Amazon!

Currently reading: The Rose of the Oath by Hope Ann and Stalling For Time by Gary Noesner.  So far I've been very impressed by both, and Hope Ann's book is free on Kindle right now, so I'd recommend picking it up. 

Current projects: I'm down to the last two rounds of editing for My Compass Home and the last WEEK of practices for the play at my church.  Whew.  I'm gonna go scream into a pillow right now because I'm always nervous before a play when I'm acting in it, but adding onto the fact that I wrote it?

And then helped run it?

Goodbye, cruel world.

Current Bible verse: Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29, NIV).  In light of the "news" this week pertaining to Samantha Bee and Roseanne Barr, I think we need to remember that.  Nothing good comes out of petty, childish insults.  Not even in the name of comedy (because name calling isn't comedic, but bullying).

Next week, I also begin my summer class in forensic psychology.   I'm interested in the book, but I don't want to do the tests and whatnot that come with it.  Or give up my summer.  *sigh* the college life.

On an upside, today I got some Bantam chicks!  I've been wanting to have some since pretty much forever, so I'm really stoked about it.

What have you guys been up to this week? 


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