Saturday, August 4, 2018

Book Spotlight: "When Beauty Blooms" by Victoria Lynn!

Hey everyone!  Today I have a book spotlight for a fantastic novelette, When Beauty Blooms by Victoria Lynn.

This is a very sweet story about a young woman struggling to fit in during the Revolutionary War.  I was given an advanced reader copy of it and you can find my full review HERE, but I want to add that it was very easy to fall in love with the characters.  Very engaging!  If you're looking for one more book to read for summer, you'll definitely want to check it out!  It's available now at Amazon on Kindle & paperback. 

When Beauty Blooms Synopsis: 

"Revolutionary War Era England

Marjorie Kirk is a woman with no fortune, no prospects, no family, and no skills.  Or so she thinks.  She is awkward, shy, and the farthest thing from any semblance of a society lady.  

The new minister keeps turning up the most awkward of places and she can't help but feel that her life is doomed to one of embarrassment.  But will her flaws actually be the thing that others find the most attractive?

A story of a young woman with social anxiety and how she learned to bloom."  

Add When Beauty Blooms to your Goodreads shelf!

About the Author: 

Victoria Lynn is in her 20s and if she's not writing, she is probably sewing, singing, playing the piano, washing dishes, creating something with her hands, or learning something new.  She has a passion for serving her Creator, encouraging others and being creative.  She blogs at about writing, fashion, modesty, her walk with God and life.  She lives in Michigan with her parents and 8 siblings.

She is also hosting a Rafflecopter giveaway.  Click the link to enter for your chance to win a *signed* copy of When Beauty Blooms as well as a $10 Amazon gift card! Make sure to follow her on social media for updates and new novel releases!

For more blog tour festivities such as reviews, author interviews, and book spotlights, make sure to follow along with these lovely bloggers!
Today: Ashley Spies at Precious Moments 
August 7: Gabriellyn Gidman at PageTurners
August 8: Liv K. Fisher at The Book Sprite and Medomfo at Writings from a God Girl 
August 9: Kaylee at Kaylee's Kind of Writes and Giana at Gianna & Gemini 
August 10: Gracelyn Buckner at Literatura
August 11: Angela Watts at The Peculiar Messenger
August 12: Allison Tebo at Allison's Well
August 13: Jana Tenbrook at Reviews from the Stacks and Lilly Shyree at Live Beautifully
August 14: Hosanna Emily at Having a Heart Like His
August 15: Laura Grace at Unicorn Quester, Lydia at Spoonful of Surprises , and Allyson Kennedy at Authoring Arrowheads
August 16: Madison Guy at A Little Southern Grace
August 17: Tammy Lash at Reflections of an Author
August 18: Laura Guenot at Beautiful Things
August 19: Grace Maples at Proclaiming His Excellencies
August 20: Sunny Houk at Thatowlnerd
August 21: Rebekah Morris at Read Another Page
August 22: Abigail McKenna at Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors and Raechel Lenore at God's Peculiar Treasure Rae
August 23: Sarah at A Day In The Life
August 24: Kaitlyn Smith at Maidens for Modesty
August 25: Faith Potts at Chosen Vessels


  1. My favorite flower is lilacs! This is going to be so much fun!

  2. Yayy! =D And, side not, my favorite flower is a rose. :P But daffodils are nice. And petunias.

  3. This book looks really awesome! (Also, my favorite flower is actually a rose that's turned blue by using food coloring, for personal sentamental reasons ��)
