Monday, August 20, 2018

Something New Blog Tour Announcement!

Hey everyone!  Exciting news: this week, I will be publishing Something New!  (Or at least, sending the files in for review and hoping for the best because I'll scream if my formatting is messed up).

Do you guys want to help me hype this up?  I've been working on it for a year and these are my babies!  So if you do want to help me by participating in a fun week-long blog tour, please fill out THIS form!
The tour will run from September 1-September 8, alongside the giveaway which will also begin on the 1st and end on the 8th, with winners announced on the 9th.

You'll be able to sign up for a book spotlight for Something New as well as Beautiful Chaos (since it needs promoted as the 1st book you need to read before Something New!) and/or sign up for an author interview!  I won't be offering review copies of Something New unless you've already read Beautiful Chaos.  If you have, please let me know on the form and I'll be happy to send a PDF copy your way.  I will be taking sign-ups until August 28, when I will put together a schedule and send out all necessary material. 

On to the giveaway!

This is the second installment of the Mount Sterling series, and reading them in order is absolutely necessary.  Because of that, I will be hosting a giveaway for two prizes: the grand prize winner will receive a PDF copy of Beautiful Chaos AND a PDF copy of Something New!  The second place winner will receive a free PDF copy of Beautiful Chaos so they're all set to snag a copy of Something New.  

Basically, we're going to have a ton of fun with this blog tour, so make sure you sign up today!  Come one, come all!


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