Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Something New: Adopting

Hey everyone!  If you like what you've been reading in these blog posts, make sure to snag a copy of Something New today! Just a quick post today; trying to beat a thunderstorm before my Internet goes out and I can't post! Now, an issue that approaches later on in the story revolves around adoption. Especially in today's society, where an increasing amount of kids are being put into "the system" thanks to the opioid epedemic, I think it's an important issue to feature in my books. The series, in this book and later on, will also discuss the struggle of deciding whether to keep a baby or give it up for adoption. While Joanna and Walter begin the foster and adoption processes because of infertility, it certainly isn't the 'second best' option. Their journey is only beginning in Something New , but Joanna will already learn that you don't have to be the birth mother to care dearly for a child.


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