Friday, September 28, 2018

Week In Review: Life -- It Goes On

All in all, I guess that's all I can say.  Life goes on. 

(Credit to a Robert Frost quote for the title)

Well, I'm hoping to get back on track with the Wednesday blog posts on October 3rd.  The week before last was insane with studying for exams, and this week was when all 5 of those exams hit (not to mention the...5 or 6 sub-exams and normal assignments).  I actually would have been able to write this Wednesday, but it just turned out otherwise.  As I mentioned on the Facebook page (if you follow me on there), Wednesday I was waiting for the farm vet to come out for an emergency visit.  Unfortunately, the outcome was not favorable.  This is an older picture of the horse, but one I always liked.  

Credit: Avengers: Age of Ultron //Gyfcat
I concur, Hawkeye.  (It's been a long week, more like).  

Anyway, hopefully next week isn't quite as catastrophic.  Before I get hung up on more college stuff (one class just posted a sizable exam for next week)--I was wondering what kind of content you'd like to see on Wednesdays.  So I'm asking you to vote before Oct. 3rd, either on here in the comments section or on whichever social media platform you'd like....
A) Behind the scenes for Guide Me Home 
B) Behind the scenes for Keeping Cassie
C) Writing tips for short stories, because of Everything And Nothing 
Sound off in the comments, and whichever gets the most votes will be covered first.  Thanks! 
Related image
Credit: Thor: Ragnarok /// Pinterest
Currently Reading: Not that much.  I'm kind of brain-mush from this week...if you can't tell.  And if I randomly start typing in Spanish, that's because I was working on my Spanish exam before writing this and in at least one instance, I had to delete some text from the blog post because it was some weird Spanish-English mix...I don't know what I'm doing anymore. 

Currently Writing: Everything And Nothing.  Hey, one good thing about negative emotions from this week?  Great poetry angst mood there.  I could do without it though.

Current Bible Verse: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" (Ephesians 4:29 NIV).  In light of the current political atmosphere, I think it needs saying.  Regardless of which side of the aisle you err to, it's important to not let ourselves deepen the divide because we can't be prudent with our words.  

How was your week?  I feel like this is a loaded gun, but since that's how I roll, what are your thoughts on the current political atmosphere -- with Ephesians 4:29 in mind?  


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